Use "influenced him|influence him" in a sentence

1. Helen's a bad/good influence on him.

2. His wife exercises a moderating influence upon him.

3. His wife has had a civilizing influence on him.

4. 23 She bitterly resented his mother's influence over him.

5. His teacher described him as a noisy, disruptive influence in class.

6. Tell him how sorry you are for letting Satan influence your life.

7. Having very great power, influence, etc.: The Almighty press condemned him without trial.

8. Will he allow the bad example of his father, King Ahaz, to influence him?

9. One Van Gogh painting that especially influenced him was "The Starry Night", painted in eighteen eighty-nine.

10. Huxley was strongly influenced by F. Matthias Alexander, and included him as a character in Eyeless in Gaza.

11. ( tr ) to move, influence, or force by outcry: the people Clamoured him out of office .

12. At the same time, the asceticism in western Christianity had also produced important influence on him.

13. The objective conditions, such as the honor, shame, praise and disparagement, have no influence on him.

14. The presidency, though largely honorific, nevertheless gave him two years of unusual influence over the profession.

15. 7 Poor Jem! His raven hair,( was that too to have its influence against him?

16. She intrigued him and enticed him and infuriated him.

17. I know him, I honor him, and I love him.

18. These writings influenced him just at the time when he met the first person he ever knew who had experienced rebirth.

19. I did not persuade or influence him; he intended all along to stick it out until the end.

20. Gonna be an advisor, you know- - shoot him, him and him.

21. Some who saw Him heal and heard Him teach rejected Him.

22. John Norris also strongly influenced him by his An Essay towards the Theory of the Ideal or Intelligible World (1701–1704).

23. Take him out and kill him

24. They reviled him, ridiculed him, and cast him out of their city.

25. Because from him and by him and for him are all things.

26. Destroy him or discredit him immediately.

27. oppressed him and made him ill.

28. Sun strikes him, warming him sleepy.

29. One only hopes that Watt was influenced by the excited voices around him at ringside rather than the babble in his headset.

30. 30 These writings influenced him just at the time when he met the first person he ever knew who had experienced rebirth.

31. When Chang-yi heard about him... he found him and butchered him.

32. I have talked of Him, preached of Him, and rejoiced in Him.

33. Satan’s evil influence even reached into the spirit realm, where he induced other angels to join him in rebellion.

34. Then Castrate him to render him docile

35. You must unhorse him or kill him.

36. Some praise him, whereas others condemn him.

37. The cop stopped him and tossed him.

38. Stop teasing him?you're making him blush.

39. Bow down before Him, Love adore Him.

40. 21 Sun strikes him, warming him sleepy.

41. Despite its repulsive state, Antonius compulsively kept the bow close to him, as if in fear of its influence.

42. Khruschev's half-hearted attempt to oust Dej in 1957 encouraged him to look for allies to counter Soviet influence.

43. You meet him, dig him... you ball him once and then adios, muchacho.

44. Make him, promote him, make him the next biggest thing in boxing, and...

45. 3 But they took him, beat him, and sent him away empty-handed.

46. 26 But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him.

47. Then castrate him to render him docile.

48. She shook him to wake him up.

49. Jim was supposed to rescue him, untie him, give him mouth-to-mouth.

50. All I told him was brush him.

51. We gotta find him, take him down.

52. Joyfully praise him, Him who brings joy.

53. His superiors suspended him, and then downgraded him.

54. Teach him gently , World, but don't coddle him.

55. They walked around him, prodding and pinching him.

56. The dogs saw him running and chased him.

57. Bow Down Before Him, Love and adore Him.

58. You can Congratulate him when you see him

59. If thou mislike him, thou Conceivest him not

60. Don't speak French to him, it'll embarrass him.

61. You'll find him where you saw him last.

62. Don't greet him next time you see him.

63. I'll look after him and take care of him and feed him and everything!

64. The Captain thanked him , and bade him show him the house he had marked .

65. The Vatican had exonerated him, and with the power and influence Maciel wielded, they feared no one would believe them.

66. They're shackling him and taking him into recovery.

67. Clean him up and let oncology have him.

68. If you see him, give him this note.

69. Kids giving him cheek, men giving him aggro.

70. I feel split about him, sorry for him.

71. Princes took counsel against him and persecuted him.

72. You bribed him and then you blackmailed him?

73. We had him and we let him go.

74. As we shall see, we can honor him by showing him fear and reverence, by obeying him, by acknowledging him in all our ways, by making gifts, by imitating him, and by making petitions to him.

75. It Blesseth him that gives and him that takes

76. It Blesseth him that gives and him that takes

77. Give him your best; it came from him Ex.

78. They would arrest him and deport him as well.

79. Jehovah himself will guard him and preserve him alive.

80. Chop him up and feed him to the dogs.